Spark a Wellness Breakthrough and Design the Next Phase of Your Life

rachel petersYou need strategies to take action. Action leads to results. Sometimes you just need a focused and personalized conversation about your own needs, desires, and goals to make a shift.

I’m Rachel and I am here to help you get light in your body, clear in your mind and thrive in your life through healthy living. Join me for a 30 minute personal conversation to shift the trajectory of your wellness. This call has a $75 value and I’m offering it to you for FREE.

For over 20 years I have been leading women through practices to feel their best through body, mind and heart. As a woman who wears many hats (from mom to professional to wife, etc), I believe my journey towards easeful living has allowed for me to have a greater impact in my own life and a deeper connection to those I work with.

I want to share and guide you towards implementing the core competencies of simple self-care habits and strategies that have the power to transform your life and help you thrive in the modern world.

Don’t be shy!

Let’s make a phone date.

Walk away with simple and practical daily strategies that have a BIG impact.

Schedule Your FREE Session Now

Is a Strategy Session Right for You?

Many of the people I work with experience:

lack of time to do the things they love,
lack of boundaries,
an inability to prioritize themselves due to guilt,
poor digestion, bloating + gas,
lack of sleep,
slow metabolism,
general lethargy,
achy joints,
brain fog,
an inability to prioritize what really matters,
and lack of vibrancy and vitality.

During our call you will:

phone• Get personalized attention from a certified Yoga Health Coach

• Explore your health trajectory in alignment with your intentions and goals

• Walk away with simple daily practices to help you thrive

• Step into the next phase of your own easeful living

Don’t rely on motivation – reach out.

What if I told you it wasn’t going to take being “motivated” to make new habits and keep them?

BJ Fogg, Behavior Scientist at Stanford University believes that we oftentimes set our sights too high as we seek change and transformation in our lives. The focus needs to be choosing the right habit, done at the right time to make exponential impact in our lives.

Are you at all surprised? I sure was. It meant all those times I gave myself a hard time for lacking the motivation, I could have been so much more kind to myself. So, for years now I’ve been playing with an approach that is anchored in self love AND it works. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no angel or purist for that matter, but the moment I started understanding habit change, I stopped beating myself up. And WOW – what freedom!

I look forward to talking with you!
