Compliment your Synergy Wellness journey with seasonal tips and strategies for yourself and your family, at home or in the office.

Download your
Easeful Living – Fall Tip Sheet
and get started today.

What we do in the Fall impacts our health and immune system for the winter. Greater self care now will pay off in spades come cold and flu season.

Private Coaching Series ($150 value) 

As a Synergy Wellness Member you are eligible for a Yoga Health Coaching Private Series with Rachel Peters, a local Yoga Health Coach. She is here to help you strategize your wellness goals while focusing on daily habits that promote the results you desire.

  • Strategize your wellness goals with daily habits.
  • Get clear on the next small step towards your goals.
  • Receive accountability as you navigate the process.
  • Troubleshoot obstacles and challenges along the way.


“Working with Rachel has truly changed my lifestyle for the better! The shifts I have made have been profound, life-changing and so filled with joy. My digestion has improved: I have more energy: I sleep better: I have so much more self love: the list goes on! A BIG giant thank you to Rachel!”

~ Cathie

“Rachel helped me examine the old habits I had created and then look at the importance of creating new ones that would ultimately change the direction of my health.”

~ Sharmel

“This past year I found myself at what felt like the bottom of the barrel. I was tired, heavy, and self-care was not part of my vocabulary. Within two weeks of working with Rachel I felt a shift in my life and I began to see how these small changes in my daily habits might impact me in enormous ways in the future.”

~ Cassie

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