Kapha Season: Time to lighten up

Spring is kapha season, which means there is more earth and water qualities present.

In addition to daily rhythms there are seasonal rhythms to pay attention to. Look to nature to see what’s happening inside our bodies, minds and emotions.

Our bodies are strong and capable of physical exertion after more of a sedentary winter. Nature is exploding with signs of growth and newness. You might be feeling you own Spring Fever and desire to get outside more. The days are longer and there is a natural desire to be doing more. You might even find your schedule ramps up as activities after school and on the weekends are non-stop.

Allergies can be in fullswing this time of year as well, given nature’s bloom.

Look at what’s in season in the grocery store and foods to support your liver with bitter flavors that come from the wild dandelion beneath your feet, fennel bulbs, watercress, chard, kohlrabi, lettuce and beet greens. Physically you might be holding on to more water and experience more puffiness and swelling than normal. Joseph Immell of Joyful Belly recently said this is the way “life is literally swelling with potential. Some natural diuretics good this time of year are celery, kale, cabbage and collards.

Fermented foods, grapefruit, sprouts, raw veggies and chickpeas, millet and barley are great this time of year. Avoid wheat, dairy, sugar and salt as these will be more kapha provoking than reducing this time of year.

Green Juice


1 head of romaine
1 bunch kale
2 cucumbers
1 bunch celery
1/2 red cabbage
2 apples
1 lemon (peeled)
1 inch of fresh ginger

(Inspired by The Prime, Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D.)


Clean and chop the veggies preparing them to juice. This recipe makes about a 1/2 gallon. Enough juice for a full day or split between two people for a light and nourishing Spring breakfast.