Inaction is a dreamkiller.

Have you ever gotten on the phone with someone you thought could help you, but you weren’t quite sure how?

How do you respond when someone asks you, “how can I support you?” Do you freak out? Have a difficult time answering? Have an old story that you should already know it all and if you didn’t know it, you could just read about it?

Maybe you’ve read all the books or have a sense you KNOW what you need to know and what you need to be doing, but there is still a place of disconnect, inaction, stuckness even.

Just because we know what to do, doesn’t mean we always do it.

Getting traction on our goals, dreams and desires for our body, mind and emotions can be tough, sometimes it’s helpful to have support in the process of reorienting our actions so they are aligned with our values and deeper desires.

This is the Ayurvedic principle of “living in your learning.” In order to shift ourselves out of stagnancy or get out of our current rut, we have to apply what we know. Sometimes what we know can be counterintuitive or simply overwhelming or lacking clarity around next steps. You want to meditate, but you just aren’t sure how to start. You tried a few times, but it never stuck, so you think you’re just bad at it or it’s “not for you.”

You deserve the support. It’s so common to isolate ourselves when we aren’t feeling our best or we are ashamed to own how we really feel. The interesting thing is, this is about accountability. In the book, 12 Week Year, Brian Moran describes accountability as owning your life circumstances and not using them as excuses for not following your dreams.

In my past, when I wasn’t feeling good I would isolate myself. I wouldn’t reach out or ask for help. There was part of me that thought I should just figure things out on my own; that’s what people do. Not true. The more I reach out when I’m feeling down emotionally, feeling bloated, or experiencing a weird tweak in my back, the faster I recover, rebuild confidence, and benefit from connection.

When I reach out, a few things happen:

  1. I immediately feel supported instead of alone.
  2. I become more confident versus feeling like a victim.
  3. I feel connection instead of fear.
  4. I grow, learn, and evolve instead of wallowing in old stories that keep me stuck.

By acknowledging we need some support, our perspective on the situation shifts.

I just got off the phone with a friend who has known me for a long time. She’s smart, fit, healthy, and has an abundant and full life. She doesn’t see herself as someone who needs a Health Coach or help in the overall health of her life, but she knew she needed to reach out, so she called me. We arranged a 30-minute session to chat because I offer 30-minute phone calls for my tribe.

Guess what? You are part of the tribe.

My friend specifically mentioned she didn’t think my “ayurvedic living” offerings were what she was needing help with, but she knew she needed to talk with me. She told me she always learns something when she’s around me and wanted to connect about her current struggles with work/life balance. I gave her a link to my calendar and BOOM, we made it happen.

I call this a strategy session; they are HIGH value with no strings attached.

As a Yoga Health Coach, I offer a limited number of FREE 30-minute, phone-based strategy sessions a month. Once you’ve moved from inaction to action and decided you are “ready” to talk, you link to my schedule and a pick a date that works for you. Then I call you, and we talk. It’s amazing and powerful for both of us, and we both learn a lot.

So, if you are curious about how to shift your own relationship with time, want to strategize your own wellness trajectory, or simply need someone to listen to you to figure out how to get out of a rut, I’m here for you. We have a 30-minute convo, and you walk away with a plan and your curiosity around what I’m up to is curbed, too. It’s great!

My friend came with a few questions, a general concern, and a knowing that she needed help and wanted support. She was ready for something to shift but wasn’t quite sure what it was. This isn’t always easy. We like to know what’s going to happen before it happens, but magic happens when we trust and leap. That’s exactly what she did. To her surprise, there was much more to talk about than she even imagined.

Over the 30 minutes, we uncovered that what she needed was more structure in her work life so her family life could flow and feel fun and playful. We talked about specific approaches she could take to do this that were aligned with her life.

Sometimes all it takes is being willing to ask for help, and there is more support than you ever imagined. Don’t wait for the wake-up call. Take me up on a 30-Minute Strategy Session, and experience it for yourself. If it seems scary, know that fear is temporary, and regret is for a lifetime.

Reach out and put a Strategy Session on your calendar! Click HERE and pick a date and time, let’s connect!



Rachel Peters is a yoga teacher, yoga health coach, lifestyle and habits expert, easeful living advocate, and lover of wild places. She leads others towards Embodying Ease through a yearlong wellness & lifestyle journey to dissolve perfectionism, embody daily habits that promote mental clarity, overall ease, and deeper connection to life on this wild ride of modern living. Learn MORE today!