Make a shift from limiting thought patterns.

Last week I shared with you my power space, my 10×10 Shakti Shed. The same day I published that post, one of my best friends from high school, Megan shared this quote by Joseph Campbell that rang so true for me.  

“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.”

I love this.

Where is it you find yourself again and again?

The truth is, we might not always like where we find ourselves.  There are times when we might find ourselves in the old familiar territory of limiting beliefs and outdated stories that keep us from living the life we deeply desire. In the yoga tradition this is a kind of cloaking of the heart, which is referred to as the “anava mala”.  It’s a kind of veil that keeps us disconnected and separated from our deeper knowing, our heart.  I know for myself I have certain stories that replay themselves over and over again. When they get traction, they can be paralyzing in a way.

The first step to shift towards an expansive mental state is to become aware of our limiting beliefs. Once we cultivate awareness of these limiting thought patterns, we can begin to shift them. Here’s what I do when those old patterns rear their head.

Step 1: Make a list of your limiting beliefs and old patterns.

Once we start recognizing the patterns, we can use them as a trigger to shift into a more positive mindset. For a week I made a list of the self talk that surfaced in a limiting way. On the left side I wrote down the “limiting belief” or how I played small and on the right side was the new thought pattern identified by my deeper wisdom.

Step 2: Sit quietly.  Ask yourself on a deeper level if the story is true. Write it down.

This deeper part of ourselves is accessible all the time, but we have to open ourselves up to really listen to it’s wisdom. Life is so full of distractions and the mind tends to get a lot more airtime than the deeper parts of ourselves (and tends to be a lot more opinionated too).  You might think of this space as your heart or your spirit or the “sacred space” Joseph Campbell refers to in his quote. It’s this part of us that knows the stories aren’t true and invites us to access a more expansive wisdom that dwells below the surface of things.

Step 3: Write down your deeper wisdom’s version of the story in first person.

For each limiting thought, come up with your deeper wisdom’s belief around the topic. Interview your deeper Self and get their opinion on the subject. My experience is that more often than not, that part of me is ready for growth, expansion and helps shift the mind out of it’s fixed and old ways.

Spend the next week jotting down all the ways you are limiting yourself with old stories and beliefs and check in on a deeper level to see if it’s even true. Start replacing the new belief from that deeper part of yourself when the old story rears it’s head. You might find that the old stories are keeping you from stepping into a new, beautiful and expansive version of yourself.  

Spend the weeks before the holidays creating new patterns and habits in your mind, your body and in your day to live the life you love. My next 10 week course starts October 16th and their is limited space. Learn more and ENROLL here.


Rachel Peters is a yoga teacher, yoga health coach, lifestyle and habits expert, easeful living advocate, and lover of wild places. She leads others towards Embodying Ease through a yearlong wellness & lifestyle journey to dissolve perfectionism, embody daily habits that promote mental clarity, overall ease, and deeper connection to life on this wild ride of modern living. Learn MORE today!