Wisdom Flows On The Breath

Wisdom Flows On The Breath

Wisdom flows on the breath. All of the information right now with the corona virus is pointing my awareness to the power of the breath. How you breathe is important and it can be incorporated in your yoga practice or simply walking the dog. Pranayama is translated to...
Pratiloma Pranayama

Pratiloma Pranayama

https://www.rachelpeters.yoga/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Pratiloma.m4a Download Audio Here Strengthen your diaphragm. This Pranayama technique is called Pratiloma. This will be stage one of two stages of this particular Pranayama practice and diaphragmatic breathing...
Reset Your Daily Rhythm In Real Time

Reset Your Daily Rhythm In Real Time

Living in the unknown can bring up all kinds of uncertainty and existential anxiety. Are you finding ways to cultivate stability and steadiness?  Have you established a new rhythm for yourself? Your family? How do you want your house to feel over the next week or two...
Self Love

Self Love

True confessions. Self-love has been a long journey for me. After a dysfunctional high school relationship, my self-confidence eroded and I quickly learned to build up walls around trust and intimacy with others, determined to go through college without being hurt or...