Did you have a chance to witness the lunar eclipse earlier this week?

I was in Wisconsin. There was a clear, crisp sky and the landscape was covered with a fresh blanket of snow. The view of the moon was exquisite from the back porch of Meg’s house. It was -8 degrees and dropping.

Upon returning home, Miles was eager to share his experience of watching the moon become cloaked and the discussion ensued around a life of movement and change. It was a similar conversation from the long yoga immersion weekend related to the ways in which we conceal and reveal who we are and what is REALLY going on for us in the moment.

Yoga is a portal between phases of life for me. It’s a practice and a way of living and seeing the world that serves as a gateway for a deeper understanding of myself. I use the term “yoga” in it’s highest potential and possibility. Yoga on and off the mat. The very thread of my life and existence is this very practice of yoga. Yes it’s union, yes it can take place on a sticky mat, but more than anything it is revealed to me when things don’t go my way, fear arises, I am uncomfortable, unsure or wading into uncertainty. This to me is ALWAYS a sign to keep at it, growth will come.

Like the moon, our lives are full of phases.

There is no one size fits all. There is no one yoga sequence, one magical workout, food, time for bed or duration of meditation to solve all problems, clarify all uncertainties, or reveal all solutions. This path is a laboratory.

Give yourself the gift of time and explore what you need to thrive right now and allow yourself the space to be surprised at what arises.

Big love,



Rachel Peters is a yoga teacher, yoga health coach, lifestyle and habits expert, easeful living advocate, and lover of wild places. She leads others towards Embodying Ease through a yearlong wellness & lifestyle journey to dissolve perfectionism, embody daily habits that promote mental clarity, overall ease, and deeper connection to life on this wild ride of modern living. Learn MORE today!