Every intention requires a plan, a system or structure in order for it to come alive. My experience has been, we can’t stop at intentions, but need the skills, tools, and resources to take it to the level of action, manifestation and embodiment.

The next questions to ask is HOW am I going to accomplish that and WHAT am I willing to do on a daily basis to get there?

Intentions are a great way to start the new year, but are quickly forgotten along with resolutions or undefined goals. Forgetting and remembering is a human condition, but when our lifestyle is a reflection of our intention magic happens.



noun “a thing intended; an aim or plan”

I set intentions for years without a plan. It was a hopeful prayer and a deeply seeded intent, but there was a HUGE gap between the intention and how I was acting, behaving and even thinking daily. Over the past five years I’ve invested thousands of dollars and hours of study, practice and implementation to decrease this gap between my intentions and my ongoing behavior and actions, so they are in greater alignment. It is now my life’s work.

Honor your deeper desires, intentions or resolutions if you’ve made them and take them to the next level. Close the gap and begin to design your life in alignment with how you want to be and feel and act in your life.

My Embody Ease course is all about bridging this gap: helping you show up for yourself, stick to what matters most whether its your health, personal growth, or both. The course gets members profound results: dropping unwanted weight, developing movement, exercise and mindfulness practices that they actually look forward to, set boundaries without feeling guilty, develop a much kinder inner dialogue, and make time for the essential in their lives.

These things are hard to do alone. Reply to this email if you could use some help bridging the gap and creating greater integrity in 2019 – no matter where you live. Or complete this short form to learn more.

Big love,


Rachel Peters is a yoga teacher, yoga health coach, lifestyle and habits expert, easeful living advocate, and lover of wild places. She leads others towards Embodying Ease through a yearlong wellness & lifestyle journey to dissolve perfectionism, embody daily habits that promote mental clarity, overall ease, and deeper connection to life on this wild ride of modern living. Learn MORE today!