How are you disqualifying yourself?

What’s holding you back from deepening your yoga practice? When there is a deep desire, craving or even calling for growth and transformation there can be a similar voice that arises that pulls you away from commitment. These are some of the common questions or disqualifiers I hear from students considering the next phase of their yoga journey. Let’s break them down so you can move through the obstacle in your head and engage your journey at the next level.

  1. “I haven’t been practicing for very long.”

There is no set of amount of experience that makes you “ready” for teacher training. Whether you’ve been practicing for one year or thirty, only you can gauge your willingness for further focus and study. When you know, you know.

  1.  “I’m not even sure I want to teach.”

Many students take teacher training with no intention of ever actually teaching. Our training is beyond just teaching. You will learn to deepen your practice, study the limbs of yoga beyond the mat, develop the skills to build a home practice, study with a group of fellow seekers and much more.

  1. “I am not the “typical” yogi.”

Good! Let’s break the stigma about sho is dominating the arena of yoga together. Size, shape, gender, color, age, on and on – yoga is a practice of inclusivity and breaking down boundaries.  

  1. “I can’t do a handstand.”

Inversions and arm balances don’t make you an advanced yogi! A much bigger indication that you’re ready for this journey is the ability to listen to your body. If strong asana is a goal of yours, know that you will leave the training with the tools for advancing your practice.

  1. “I don’t know if I can afford it.”

Investing in yourself is one of the biggest leaps in terms of your own personal growth and what I refer to as your life economy (health, vitality and vibrancy). It is so much more acceptable to invest your resources in others or in “things” than to truly believe you are worth the inner and outer transformation of body, mind and spirit and invest in yourself. A YTT is one way to do that with a huge Return on Investment.

Watch this Facebook LIVE video as I riff on more of each of these disqualifiers related to the upcoming Yoga Teacher Training at BEND Hot Yoga – Prescott. 


Rachel Peters is a yoga teacher, yoga health coach, lifestyle and habits expert, easeful living advocate, and lover of wild places. She leads others towards Embodying Ease through a yearlong wellness & lifestyle journey to dissolve perfectionism, embody daily habits that promote mental clarity, overall ease, and deeper connection to life on this wild ride of modern living. Learn MORE today!